Carolina Cruz
Directora y animadora, reside en Berlín, y su arte interdisciplinar incluye animaciones en stop motion, ilustraciones e instalaciones.
A partir de distintas técnicas analógicas de la ilustración en papel, explora el modo de desarrollar personajes y mundos cinematográficos, que se caracterizan por sus formas de teatralidad y mirada de género. A partir de ahí, Carolina crea personajes llenos de ternura para contar historias que suponen un tabú en la sociedad actual. Son historias que revelan una ambivalencia entre lo dulce y lo crudo, entre la inocencia y la vileza.
Is a Chilean Director and animator based in Berlin, and her interdisciplinary art include animations, illustrations and installations. Using different analog techniques of paper illustration,
She explores how to develop characters and cinematic worlds, which are characterized by their forms of theatricality and gender gaze. From there, Carolina creates characters full of tenderness to tell stories that are taboo in today’s society. They are stories that reveal an ambivalence between the sweet and the crude, between innocence and vileness.
Selección de festivales y exposiciones
- ITFS World Premiere at ITFS Stuttgart 2024, Nominated for Best Short International Competition, and Best Film School Short, awarded a SPECIAL MENTION for the LOTTE REINIGER PRIZE , April 2024
- 24th Regensburg Short Film Week, 14-21 March 2018
- Pictoplasma Character Walk, Installation “My Life Is a video Game”, 10-14 May Berlin 2018
- 15th Bogotá Short Film Festival – BOGOSHORTS, 5-12 December 2017
- 19th Soria International Short Film Festival, 12-26 November 2017
- 10th KLIK Amsterdam Animation Festival, 17-22 October 2017
- Anifilm Třeboň, 7-12 May 2016
- Urban Spree, Berlin 2015 – Pictoplasma Academy All-Stars Show 2015
- México Aca, 2a muestra de cine mexicano en Uruguay, 4-9 November 2014
- Neurotitan, Berlin 2014 – Bajo el concreto… La Selva
- Istanbul Animation Festival, 21-27 November 2013
- Docs Barcelona International Documentary Film Festival, 28 May-2 June 2013
- DocsDF – International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City, 24 October-3 November 2013